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Competition for the selection of pedagogical scenarios of online courses

About the contest 

The Office of Academic and Digital Innovation accepts applications for participation in the competition of pedagogical scenarios for the creation and publication of online courses (MOOC/SPOC).

The competition can be attended by both creative teams of structural divisions of the university, and individual pedagogical or scientific workers of the University. According to the results of the competition, the commission will be allowed to develop and issued 5 MOOCs and 5 SPOCs.

The competition is held in the following order:

Stage 1 - registration and submission of applications until
Stage 2 - public defense of pedagogical scenarios of online courses until
Stage 3 - examination of applications for compliance with the requirements for the content, technology and methodology of the development of pedagogical scenarios, determination of winners by the decision of the competition commission by
Stage 4 - approval of the results of the competition by

Requirements for the form and content of the application

Cover letter rus kaz
Pedagogical scenario of the online course rus kaz
Link to a video recording of one lecture рус
Link to the online course certificate Creating an online course: from theory to practice rus kaz
Information about the authors of the online course rus kaz

Submit an application

For all questions, please contact the Office of Academic and Digital Innovation: building - rectorate, office 207, phone +7 727 377 33 33 (11-33, 32-16, 16-47, 33-81, 14-70).