Study by distance! | МООК КазНУ им.аль-Фараби
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Study by distance!

Институт новых образовательных технологий
Enrollment is Closed

About this course

This course-navigator is your assistant! We created it specifically for you, so that during your studies you know exactly and actively use all the possibilities of the main information and educational systems of the university and personal learning environments in which teachers organize classes.

The aim of the course

The aim of the course is to provide you with basic information about the main and auxiliary educational platforms of the university and the principles of work in them.

Learning outcomes:

1. Know the main information and educational systems and personal learning environments in which classes are held, be able to use them in the educational process.
2. Correctly determine the form and platform for the lesson, using the navigation map in the syllabus of the discipline.
3. Connect to synchronous lessons in different video conferencing systems.
4. Upload completed assignments and track your progress in different systems and personal learning environments.

Course Structure

1. Organization of the educational process using DLT.

2. Electronic library services.

3. Acquaintance with the Univer system:
- login,
- news feed,
- viewing the class schedule,
- EMCD on discipline,
- journal of visits and progress,
- useful links in the Univer system.

4. Distance courses in the Univer system:
- loading responses to tasks.

5. Training in MS Teams:
- how to log into MS Teams,
- teamwork,
- connection to webinars,
- loading responses to tasks, running tests,
- viewing ratings.

6. DLS Moodle:
- how to enter Moodle,
- connection to webinars,
- loading responses to tasks and running tests,
- viewing ratings.