Methods of molecular biology | МООК КазНУ им.аль-Фараби
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Methods of molecular biology

Факультет биологии и биотехнологии

About This Course

The course “Methods of molecular biology” is the first course developed by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) in collaboration and kind support of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Al-Farabi KazNU is one of the leading universities in Central Asia and is the oldest classical university in Kazakhstan. In 2019/20 it was ranked 165 in the QS World University Rankings and is 18th in the Emerging Europe and Central Asia (EECA) University Rankings.

Molecular biology is one of the most interesting sciences, in which new discoveries are made every day. Initially arising at the intersection of such disciplines as biochemistry, genetics and physics, molecular biology was able to lay the foundation for many interesting achievements of modern engineering mind, which brought an invaluable contribution to the development of medicine, agriculture, and cutting-edge technologies. It studies the structure and properties of proteins and nucleic acids as well as various molecular mechanisms underlying biological processes and the life itself. The study of molecular biology provides a basis for understanding the molecular foundations of the structure, growth, development and functioning of cells and living systems, regulation of gene expression, matrix syntheses, and mechanisms of signal transduction.

This multidisciplinary course will be interesting for students and specialists in the field of chemistry, ecology, mathematics, physics, medicine, and legal sciences, as well as to a wider audience, since it reveals various aspects of molecular biology and its methodological tools in an interesting and comprehensive language. After completing this course, students will be able to:
• See the correlation of molecular biology techniques with advances in related fields of science. • Understand the specifics of methods related to the study, regulation and application of proteins and nucleic acids.
• Interpret information on differences in molecular biological processes in pro- and eukaryotes. • Analyze the interaction of regulatory and functional elements of molecular-biological processes. • Apply the knowledge gained within the course in simulation and modeling, risk assessment, when writing articles, reviews, reports, developing cases and for analysis of the information perceived.


Module 1. Molecular biology of viruses
Module 2. Molecular biology of bacteria
Module 3. Molecular plant biology
Module 4. Molecular biology of animals
Module 5. Molecular biology and medicine

Academic course presentation

Purpose of the course

The study of molecular biology provides a basis for understanding the molecular foundations of the structure, growth, development and functioning of cells and living systems, regulation of gene expression, matrix syntheses, and mechanisms of signal transduction. The aim of the course is to form in students understanding of theoretical foundations, achievements, methods and tools of molecular biology.

Expected results (ER)

ER1. Interpret information on differences in molecular biological processes in pro- and eukaryotes
ER2. See the correlation of molecular biology techniques with advances in related fields of science
ER3. Learn how to apply the knowledge gained within the course in simulation and modeling, risk assessment, when writing articles, reviews, reports, developing cases and for analysis of the information perceived

E.R. achievement indicators (AI)

AI1.1 Analyze the interaction of regulatory and functional elements of molecular-biological processes
AI1.2 Understand the specifics of methods related to the study, regulation and application of proteins and nucleic acids in various levels of biological diversity
AI2.1 Assess the relevance of application of methodological tools of molecular biology in biochemistry, medicine, genetic engineering, agriculture and other related spheres
AI3.1 Integrate the instruments of molecular biology in applied and fundamental science
AI3.2 Use instruments and achievements of molecular biology, when writing articles, reviews, reports, developing cases and for analysis of the information perceived
Postrequisites in solving specific scientific problems defense of the thesis

Areas of training in higher education




Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Aizhan Zhussupova

My name is Aizhan Zhussupova, and I am PhD and Assistant Professor at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
My scientific interests include molecular genetics and biochemistry of plants, biological activity of natural compounds, mechanisms of adaptation of plants to adverse environmental conditions. Since 2003, I participated in 9 projects on fundamental and applied research, 1 innovative project supported by local and international agencies, like USAID and the World Bank, in three of them in leading roles. I also got a number of prestigious awards and travel grants, like Fulbright and British Council Researcher Links. Among other duties, I currently am a Managing Editor of the scientific journal issued by our University – International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, included in ISI Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index.
I strongly believe that learning is a lifetime process and I find the world of molecular biology truly fascinating.

Course Staff Image #1

Zhunusbayeva Zhazira Kabulovna

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. She has been studying the course "Methods in molecular biology" since 2007. Currently, she works as the Head of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In the course, she was responsible for the subtitles in Kazakh language.

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Date of creation

  4. Classes End

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